Adam O'Neill, MBA SPHR, Sr. HR Consultant

Values and Virtues: The Ideal Team Player

“Teamwork makes the dream work,” a phrase most often credited to John C. Maxwell, an American clergyman, author, and speaker, is one of the most overused sayings in many aspects of life, but that’s only because it holds so much truth.  After all, any team comprised of truly great team players can accomplish amazing things! Businesses

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For the Love of the Performance Review! The Supervisor’s Role

If you’ve been on either side of the desk during a performance review, you know just how dreadful the process can be. For both the supervisor and the employee, the anticipation and administrative preparation required for appraisal day can be exhausting especially when the regular day-to-day job demands don’t lighten up. Indeed, performance review season

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The Purpose in Mission and Vision Statements

An abridged version of the parable of bricklayers goes something like this: Three masons busily setting bricks to rebuild London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral were asked what they were doing. The first said, “I’m laying bricks.” The second said, “I’m building this wall so I can feed my family.” The third said proudly, “I’m building a

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Helping Employees Weather a Storm

Employees are the lifeblood of any company.  Business leaders invest valuable resources recruiting, screening, hiring, training, and supporting each member of the “dream team” that makes the business thrive.  When skies are clear and things are running smoothly, customers are happy, and business is great.  But when a tempest brews in a team member’s life,

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Dealing with Uncertainty at Work

Renowned author Stephen Covey once said, “If there’s one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” We live in trying times. The global pandemic, sociopolitical conflict, inflictions of oppression and war, rising inflation, the competitive labor market, the exorbitant price of necessities such as food, fuel, and clothing, etc. The list goes on. Add to

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